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Our Mortal Reality - What Are We Waiting For? The chances are that we'll no longer be here in 100 years time, and for many, it will be significantly less.

Generating Noble Energy with Discovering Goodness

What matters most from such a morbid reality is that within years of passing, the car you drive, the home you live in, all material assets and investments you have, will be owned by someone else. Your family will mourn you for a few years and then they must get on with their life, and the cycle of life repeats. How many of us know who our great grandparents were and their life story?


We are forgotten forever and very quickly.


And yet with that reality we tend to spend most of our lives sacrificing time to either create wealth due to fear of not having enough, or ego to keep up with others. Or if we're not lucky enough to be in a position of enough, we live week to week just to survive.


Worst still we spend way too much time feeling inadequate, envious, anxious, angry, misunderstood, deflated, victimised and disempowered.


Is there another way?



By definition, living in the human form means the energy we devote to the thoughts we have to create the actions.



By definition, life therefore becomes the outcome of the energy we devote to the thoughts we have that create the actions that yield the outcomes, “the experiences”.



By definition, how much conviction, passion, discipline we devote to the energy that align to our thoughts that create the actions.



Live-Life-Large therefore is the alignment of the thoughts, energy, actions, outcomes and experiences we have yielding either happy, neutral or sad feelings. Said another way, yielding Position Emotions or Negative Emotions.


80% of our thoughts are negative and 95% of tomorrow’s thoughts are the same as today’s.


And with the reality being the untrained human mind lives life through 80% of their thoughts being negative, and trapped in that human reality, it's no wonder that we as a race are in such a confused, docile and out of balance state of vibration.


How to Live-Life-Large to always experience Positive Emotions?


Positive Emotions are the feel-good emotions. That is, emotions that create goodness so to share goodness with your fellow human.  The sum of every human being living through positive emotions equals world peace.


Refining the “Live” in Live-Life-Large


Every cell in our body is made up of energy and intellect.


Energy If we train our energy to become the healthy physical fuel to every cell in our body, we'll become physically stronger, more agile, fitter, more resilient and resistant to all that comes our way. The physical form of a loving Warrior.


Intellect If we train our minds to always process through the positive (ie, thoughts that create the solutions where everyone wins), then our thoughts will create the right actions that will yield the right outcomes.


Are you training your body each day to be the best it can be physically?
Are you training your mind each day to think and process through Positive thoughts?


Refining the “Life” in Live-Life-Large


When we align the right Thoughts through the “Life” phase in Live-Life-Large then we are getting up and getting on with life. Get up and be useful, serve others to win, be gracious in your part of the greater good of actions, and more.


We know the actions and we execute on the actions. We do this through the authentic intent to create goodness so we can share goodness without expecting anything in return.


The fear of loss goes away, the unhealthy grasp of ego goes away, the blame and victim attitude goes away.

All that is therefore left is “Right thoughts + Right Actions”.


Refining the “Large” in Live-Life-Large


I see it way too often that we act based on thoughts that are based on fear of not having enough, or fear of loss.


Living life Large can only be when we are “Outcome Detached and Intent Pure”.

If we all agree that we are here purely to experience joy and celebrate by being the best version of ourselves, and are therefore part of the evolved energy of the human form to create goodness and share goodness, we become Godly in our vibrations and intent.


Outcome detached and Intent Pure can be found by:


Thinking aligned to what we are Great At and what we Love To Do.

This is where we devote our energy to. This is where we manifest the right thoughts and the right actions. And because we are acting based on what we are each great at and love to do, then the outcome is always our personal best.


And with 8 billion people on the planet, there will always be people that will benefit from our authentic power.


Standing up to our Weaknesses


And when we realise which weaknesses are stopping us from thinking and acting aligned to what we are great at and love to do, then we can decide to face our fears and do it anyway.


“Large” in Live-Life-Large therefore means to have unshakable devotion to the Right Thoughts + Right Actions to yield natural and consistent Peak Performance and Authentic Happiness.


Appreciation is the Centre of our Journey towards Life’s Bliss


And when we continually have at the forefront of our mind the art of appreciation that we Live-Life-Large then we will always vibrate through what we have rather than what we do not have.


Imagine your life without your eyes, arms, legs, not being able to swallow, not being able to breathe without a machine, etc.


Let’s get over the blame game, victim attitude and let’s start moving to our own groove of life that allows us to create goodness for ourselves and mankind, and thus we can share goodness with others that see our beauty and authentic intent.


This is where our bliss lives and all can experience this with each new breath we take.


I wish you the Grace of Goodness. 


Enjoy :)

John Bedwany

The knowledge is out there, is available to you, so all you need to do is access it now! Discovering Goodness®️: The Right Thoughts + Right Actions = Peak Performance and Authentic Happiness.


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