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The Maths Behind World Peace

We all dream for World Peace! We all hope for a world where the leaders of our countries and industries believe in World Peace.

Generating Noble Energy with Discovering Goodness

We all look for what we can do as our part of the solution towards World Peace. Yet if we're honest with ourselves, most of us believe the solution is out of our hands.

Is it though? ..... What could be our role?

If starting today, and every day from now, each of us simply shared "one additional Act of Kindness" with one other person in our lives, the maths would suggest that an additional 8 billion Acts of Kindness per day would be the result.

That is 8 billion instances where we collectively improved someone else's life per day.

This is the purist form of positive energy and human evolvement in action. This is the purest form of creating goodness and sharing goodness.

Can you imagine a world with an additional 8 billion Acts of Kindness per day?

So why aren't we doing this? We all know how good it feels when we are kind towards others.

Pay it Forward... I am an Advocate of Kindness as a Verb.

By simply being an "Advocate of Kindness as a Verb" and paying this thought forward to another person in your life, and asking them to pay it forward to another person in their life, and keeping this awareness moving forward could be the answer.

Whatever thoughts we have create the actions that create the outcomes. The Right Thoughts create the Right Actions that create the Right Outcomes. The Right Outcome for humanity is World Peace.

The one single answer to create World Peace are Acts of Kindness as a Verb!

We can each make a difference to shift the world from where we are now to where we can be. I wish you the Grace of Goodness as we each do our bit to create World Peace.

I wish you the Grace of Goodness.

Enjoy :)

John Bedwany

The knowledge is out there, is available to you, so all you need to do is access it now! Discovering Goodness®️: The Right Thoughts + Right Actions = Peak Performance and Authentic Happiness.

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